The NEW Amplify+ delivers lightning-fast, ultra-accurate speech recognition—seamlessly integrated with EHRs and fully mobile for dictation anywhere. Dictate, review, and approve medical records in seconds. At a fraction of the cost of traditional transcription, Amplify+ eliminates per-minute fees—saving your organisation thousands per year .
GET AI POWERED CLINICAL WORKFLOW"No more waiting for typists and having to send letters late. No more having to create letter folders to send or to receive. Being able to dictate letters in front of my patients and present them with the finished product immediately."
New product release:
Voice Recognition Australia has released the new 2022 Dragon Medical One - Veterinary Edition. Introductory pricing available for Aussie vets, Special Australian vocabulary enhances Dragon Medical One - Veterinary for your busy vet practice.
Dragon Medical One interacts directly with Windows - regardless of if it's installed locally on your computer or your remote terminal server. This allows you to input text into any medical records program - no matter what version.
Doctors simply do not have the time to work through the multiple issues if they try to use Dragon Professional in a medical environment.
Contrary to popular belief voice recognition software has been around for many years. There is, however, one speech recognition product that has rapidly advanced the technology and has made it possible for you to speak naturally into a microphone while dictating and that is Naturally Speaking.
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