Michigan Drive Doctor shares his Dragon Medical One Experience
Dr Tao Shan Lim is one of Voice Recognition Australia's most valued clients, having been a client for many years. Dr Tao Shan Lim was one of the first Doctors in Australia to upgrade from the previous Dragon Medical Practice Edition to the new cloud-based Dragon Medical One.
Dr Tao Shan Lim was recently interviewed about his experience with the new cloud based medical voice recognition system.
Read all about Dr Tao Shan Lim experience in this Dragon Medical One Case Study.

Mr Kevin Naicker is a BSc. MBChB (South Africa), FRACGP (Australia), Dip OH&S, CIME (ABIME), DAME (CASA), EMO and SMO (DNRME)
Dr Kevin completed a Bachelor of Science degree (Microbiology/Physiology) at the University of Durban-Westville. He graduated as a medical doctor at the Nelson Mandela School of Medicine and practiced as a general practitioner in his own medical practice. He also worked and as a Police Doctor in South Africa. He migrated to Australia in 2004 with his family. He completed his fellowship exam, in Australia and currently practices as a specialist GP. His main interest is Occupational health, dermatology, neuropharmacology and family health.
He is a EMO and SMO (DNRME) for many companies and is also acknowledged by the Occupational Health and Safety Unit in Brisbane.
Dr Naiker owns the Michigan Drive Medical Practice in Oxenford Queensland (Gold Coast) and is a highly valued client of Voice Recognition Australia.
Dr Naiker has used Dragon Medical for the last 6 years and recently upgraded to Dragon Medical One - cloud based voice-to-text that works great with his EMR Best Practice.