Dragon Medical is widely used by Pathologists in Australia.
Our consultants will directly integrate Dragon Medical into information systems such as LIS, AusLab, LABTrack and most other applications. Dragon Medical has a specialised vocabulary designed specifically for pathologists.
Recently we implemented a complete Dragon Medical system at Helix Pathology. In this video, Dr Lloyd McGuire talks about how Dragon Medical has saved his practice at least $80,000 a year in transcription costs.
Other pathology clients of Voice Recognition Australia include:
Princess Alexandra Hospital Brisbane
Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital
Royal Darwin Hospital
NSW Department of Health – pathology
QLD Department of Health – pathology
Plus many independent pathology laboratories spread across Australia.
Voice Recognition Australia can discuss your unique requirements based on the needs of your pathology laboratory. Voice Recognition Australia has fully trained Dragon Medical staff in Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Adelaide and the Gold Coast. We also support regional areas.