Dragon Medical One - General Practice Medical Records: Best Practice
Doctor Catherine Foley's review of
Dragon Medical One:
I first tried Dragon Medical One when I broke my collarbone on my dominant side, a couple of years ago. It has been game changing.
I can write more comprehensive notes more accurately. Over time I have learnt to use it better.
It is particularly helpful in writing reports.
I find it is quicker to dictate , and the referral letters from myself and colleagues that use the software are more comprehensive and appreciated by the recipient.
I feel that my notes are more medicolegally safe using this software. I found the support excellent.
I would encourage all individual doctors, practices, and other organisations, such as hospitals, to consider this useful and well tested tool to improve notes and outcomes and improve efficiencies.
I have noticed that Doctors for whom English is not their first language and those with a degree of dyslexia have found it particularly helpful.
I’m 54 and my generation was not one that learnt typing in school, nor that grew up with computers.