Voice recognition software improving healthcare industry
Dragon Dictation News

Voice recognition software improving healthcare industry

The most precious resource in the healthcare profession is time. Medical staff are always looking for new ways and better technology to improve how effective they are at their jobs.

One way advancements in technology are aiding medical workers is through the increased use of voice recognition software. This allows healthcare professionals to utilise speech to text software to improve electronic medical records and allow more time to focus on patients.

Demand for voice recognition software increasing

Speech recognition software not only lets medical staff better manage their documents but it can change the way people working in the healthcare industry do their job.

This software uses advanced voice to text technology to allow people to dictate information to digital files, saving them valuable time. It also gives computer systems the ability to receive, understand and implement spoken commands.

Research from Global Voice Recognition Market Growing found the demand for this type of product in the healthcare industry will grow by 9.4 per cent per year through to 2019.

The healthcare profession is increasingly moving toward greater use of electronic medical records to improve information systems and ensure top quality medical care. By shifting to such a system, voice recognition software becomes much easier to use to manage patient information with voice instructions rather than searching databases and filling out forms manually.

A recent study by voice recognition retailer, Nuance,  found only 20 per cent of healthcare organisations were using electronic medical records as part of information technology management systems. There is room to grow in this aspect of the healthcare industry in the future.

What can this software do for healthcare professionals? 

Professionals in the healthcare industry need to use their hands to perform most of their daily tasks. Voice recognition software, such as the medical practice edition of Dragon, means doctors, nurses and administrators can have their voice replace typing on their computer systems.

Healthcare professionals no longer need to spend valuable time filling out forms or writing up their notes, instead they can use the speech-to-text feature to have the software do it for them.

It is now much easier to observe patients, scans, test results or graphs, with the added ability to directly record text via a person's voice. This means medical professionals can describe and record what they see without any distraction or use of unwieldy templates and forms.

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