Dragon Dictation News

Dragon Medical Practice Edition – Launched In Australia

How can clinicians efficiently document patient care in their own words, spending less time typing or clicking inside their EHR?


By using Dragon Medical One clinicians can efficiently navigate and dictate medical decision making and treatment plans directly into a patient’s electronic record. Dragon Medical  is the perfect desktop front-end speech recognition solution for the healthcare professional, from medical practices to primary care facilities and departmental working groups – easy to deploy, rich in end-user features and boosting information capturing directly in departmental information systems or EHRs.
Using Dragon Medical Practice Edition ensuresclinicians document care ‘in their own words’, and, therefore, more completely. They also save additional time by using customised macros to enter frequently dictated text with a single voice command.
Overall, Dragon Medical solutions dramatically reduce the time clinicians spend documenting care –30 minutes or more a day, according to a number of studies.

Dragon Medical One
The front-end, real-timespeech recognition solution

Key features
More accurate than ever Significant accuracy
improvements over previous versions and over non=medical

  • Recognition speed Dragon Medical  improves recognition response time significantly.
  •  Medical vocabularies Includes vocabularies for  medical specialties and subspecialties.
  • Transparent dictation window. A transparent screen makes dictating into Hidden Mode easy while viewing lab results, images and flow sheets.
  • Dragon medical template library Includes library of macros for standard notes and ‘medical normals’ by body system.
  • Smart configuration Automatically detects hardware resources. Its state-of-the-art technology takes advantage of advances in hardware and runs in multiple threads automatically when multicore hardware is detected, for better recognition performance.
  • Recognition analytics Automatically detects poor audio input and alerts the user, offering advice to remedy the situation and improve accuracy.
  • Flexible input Use your iPhone® or Android® devices for speech input!
  • Application support Dragon Medical Practice 2 Edition supports Office 2013®, Internet Explorer 10®, and Gmail®, Hotmail®, and Outlook.com® by introducing Rich Internet Application support.


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