Work-at-Home with Philips SpeechLive Cloud Dictation
Philips, the worldwide digital and electronics leader has designed the ultimatework from home solutions for business dictation. Philips SpeechLive is their new cloud dictation system that makes it easier than ever to record and transfer voice and text files from the comfort of your own home via the cloud. While complex in advanced technology, the SpeechLive system is incredibly simple for its end users. It has all the features you’d expect of a pro dictation system with some surprising benefits added in. In fact, we’re not the only ones who feel this way — read on to see why SpeechLive is now the #1 dictation system in the world for thousands of professionals who choose to work from home.
What is the Philips SpeechLive Dictation System?
In summary, this ingenious setup lets you dictate from anywhere, even on your iPhone / smartphone, in a secure manner, then transfer the files discreetly to a server in the cloud. Here, it’s transcribed with either automated speech-to-text for near instant return of your document or by real transcriptionist, or even by your own staff with direct access to your document.
For all types of entrepreneurs and businesses, physicians, and lawyers who want to remotely work from home, yet still maintain the security and encryption required, Philips SpeechLive does it all. Secure file transfer uses the secure HTTPS protocol, while the cloud storage is protected with state-of-the-art 256-bit encryption. All voice files are automatically duplicated and saved in a backup file to prevent any lost data, and there are additional security features if you need to take it even further.
The system focuses on the ease of use while ensuring the usual headaches of dictating are taken care of — no more missing files, no lost data, no long wait times for the final product, and no complicated dictaphone systems or toll-free numbers to memorize. You can see and access all your files immediately. It truly is as simple as hitting your “record” button, and the system does all the rest.
Philips SpeechLive Saves You Time and Money
Philips is no stranger to the digital dictation industry. The company already has dozens of dictation solutions for professionals of all business types, that have propelled it to the forefront of the dictation industry. With the addition of SpeechLive, the entire process has been streamlined once again by combining the latest in cloud technology with the fast internet speed you expect.
The system easily integrates into any existing Philips hardware if you already are using a Philips recorder. Or you can download their voice recorder app for iPhone or Android which gives you the software on the convenience of your cell phone. Philips has also made available a separate cordless handheld digital recorder if you prefer to keep it separate.
The SpeechLive system works as easily as this: Dictate your report and click Send. The system automatically encrypts your voice file before sending it along to the cloud via their secure servers. There, the file is retrieved by the speech-to-text voice recognition system, their professional transcription service, or your own designated typist. After the file is transcribed, it remains there (or is sent wherever you want it to go) for secure and easy retrieval in a clean, digital format.
Lost files are a thing of the past since the SpeechLive system automatically duplicates your voice and text files and saves them securely for 30 days.
And if you don’t have internet right away when you’re finished dictating your work, it’s no problem. SpeechLive will keep your voice files secure until an internet connection is made at which time it transfers and synchronizes your files automatically.
The Philips SpeechLive professional transcribing service says it has a 24-hour turnaround time for up to 120 minutes of English transcription, although we noticed on our test runs a much better time. For high priority items of up to 5 hours of English dictation, they offer a 5-hour window turnaround time, although again our testing found it to be much quicker. If you choose the voice-to-text voice recognition option, your document is ready literally within minutes, in your mailbox or sent to a destination of your choice. They accept voice files in English, French, German, and Dutch.
Australian Philips SpeechLive Experts
Dictation Solutions Australia (our sister website) is a certified reseller of the Philips SpeechLive system and offers professional and quick support for all our customers. With one call, we can set you up with all the dictation hardware and software you need.
With this mad rush - due to the current health crisis - to work from home dictation, we can set up your author (the person dictation) and the typist with the Philip Speechlive cloud system, allowing them to work from anywhere in the world within just a few hours.
You don't need to use your all clunky voice recorder. You don't need to dock the recorder or use complicated cables and software to link up your typist. It's all done via secure cloud and we can do it for you by remote tools such as team viewer. It really is that easy.
Give Us a Call Today
Dictation Solutions in Australia offers several dictation packages to fit your needs. Our Small Business Package is for up to 10 users, and we also offer an Advanced Business Package for larger needs. There’s also the option of a self-managed account which allows you the flexibility of scaling the SpeechLive system according to your own requirements.
Our clients tell us the Philips SpeechLive dictation system is the simplest, most accurate, and most secure dictation system they’ve ever used for working both from home and office.
Give us a call on 1300 720 709 or fill out the above form and we can get you setup within a few hours.